NZ Teens Central to Strategic Planning

At Neutral Zone, our goal is to be at our best every day for our teens and for generations to come. We couldn't have predicted the challenges our youth experienced over the past two years, but we've been a source of steady support, engagement and connection.

It is thanks to many community members who have championed NZ over the last 23 years, we are here for our teens in 2022. We continually re-evaluate how best to meet the needs of teens and create strategic plans for where we want to go.

We have to focus on what was halted or lost during the pandemic and find a way to give back and work toward the future.

- Seven Hooker, NZ Teen Board Member

Since September, we've been working with a consulting firm, the Emergence Collective, on a year-long process to create our new five-year strategic plan. Teens, as always, at the center of this work. Our collective process gathers teens, staff, and board, to explore our values, create a vision, and identify key objectives to best serve our community.

On February 12th, we hosted the second full-community session to discuss our vision. The next step is to build our objectives - actionable goals to work toward in the future. We will workshop these in taskforce groups in the next two months--and return to the full community in April for discussion. We expect to approve it at the May board meeting, so stay tuned for the full plan in June 2022.


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