Neutral Zone Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence

Neutral Zone condemns the violence against members of our Asian/Asian Pacific Islander American community. We recognize that anti-Asian discrimination did not start with COVID-19, but has intensified during the pandemic as a result of divisive rhetoric from politicians and news outlets. We stand with those facing increased racism, attacks, and bigotry fueled by ignorance and white nationalism.

Advancing racial equity and economic inclusion for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) is critical to guaranteeing the safety and security of everyone. At the Neutral Zone, we commit to being an anti-racist organization and fostering a center for youth that is free of anti-Asian violence and racism. As such, we do not tolerate racism, xenophobia, or violence of any kind that harms our BIPOC communities.    

We encourage all to join us in confronting and rejecting anti-Asian racism, violence, and hateful speech through cross-community education and healing. If teens need a supportive space for creating meaningful change in our community, we invite you to join NZ’s free, weekly Activism program. Any teens in crisis are encouraged to reach out to us for support by contacting Suzie Staley at  

“Liberation is not limited. There is not a finite amount of freedom. Anti-racist work is not a zero-sum game.” - Preethi B. Harbuck 

Resources to report a hate incident:

City of Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission

State of Michigan Attorney General's office: or 313-456-0200

The Asian Pacific Policy Planning Council
Report incidences of discrimination

Stop AAPI Hate - multilingual reporting


Resources for education

Youth Campaign: They Blamed Me Because I Am Asian

Teach and Transform - Liz Kleinrock

On Anti-Asian Hate Crimes: Who Is Our Real Enemy?


Neutral Zone Statement Affirming Trangender Youth in Sports


Ann Arbor /Ypsi Youth Poet Laureate Faye Harrison